Top 10 Must Know before You Go
Eating Chicken and Duck

If you've never seen chicken feet, beaks, heads or any other part of a chicken in your food're about to. They like to chop up every part of a chicken. This goes for duck too, except for Beijing Duck. They only served us the meat of the bird, so that was a relief. We don't mean to scare anyone from visiting China, but we bring this up as more of a warning. Just know you might only be eating rice for the first few meals.
In fact we were invited to a special dinner party where the meal of the evening was a duck type dish. It was cooked in its own blood, so in other words, Blood Duck. It was an interesting experience. I ate it to be nice but Michelle had already gotten sick twice from food there so she wasn't going to try this one. I hope our hosts weren't too offended. So in other words it's good to know what could be served to help avoid an embarrassment for you and possible your generous guests.
We resolved our "bird" problem by basically avoiding it when possible . We tried eating any other type of meat, mostly pork or beef. Fish is also very common in certain areas. Most of the cheap dishes that our students were eating were either chicken or pork.
In fact we were invited to a special dinner party where the meal of the evening was a duck type dish. It was cooked in its own blood, so in other words, Blood Duck. It was an interesting experience. I ate it to be nice but Michelle had already gotten sick twice from food there so she wasn't going to try this one. I hope our hosts weren't too offended. So in other words it's good to know what could be served to help avoid an embarrassment for you and possible your generous guests.
We resolved our "bird" problem by basically avoiding it when possible . We tried eating any other type of meat, mostly pork or beef. Fish is also very common in certain areas. Most of the cheap dishes that our students were eating were either chicken or pork.
Don't Drink the Water
It's just that simple. Like visiting any country that hasn't developed a good purified drinking water system, we would strongly advise that you stay clear of the water out of your tap. Bottled water or boiling hot water, etc is ok. You can buy the bottled water in the small bottles, or in big 5 gallon containers for your apartment. Most of the time, at restaurants they will bring you hot water or tea to start off (NOT the most enjoyable when it's 99 Degrees outside), but at least you know it's safe.
Get Accustomed to Chopsticks or Bring a FORK

Group dinners are very fun and in some ways much better then back in America for this fact...the table can spin the food around. No more asking for your favorite dish. Besides just spinning the table top to bring the food to you, realizing there are no forks, spoons or knives by your bowl is different to get used to.
Using chop sticks comes quickly and its better to just do your best until you become a pro. Eating at the tables is a little interesting, in most cases there is not a serving spoon like in other counties. Here everyone just serves themselves up with the same chopsticks they use to eat with, and when the table spins its a fist come first serve, hurry to fill up on the food you like..
Using chop sticks comes quickly and its better to just do your best until you become a pro. Eating at the tables is a little interesting, in most cases there is not a serving spoon like in other counties. Here everyone just serves themselves up with the same chopsticks they use to eat with, and when the table spins its a fist come first serve, hurry to fill up on the food you like..
Not Everyone Speaks English

Little known fact that might not be obvious to everyone wanting to do some traveling, not everyone speaking English. In fact sometimes its hard to even find a speaker that really can speak English on the university campuses, but in the city...GOOD LUCK. We're not saying its not impossible, and in areas like Beijing or more well known traveled spots, you've got a way better chance, but be prepared.
We'd recommend having someone that can help translate for you, or at least, have a "good" English speaker write down a few helpful phrases, or at least where you want to go and also where you need to get back to, like your hotel name and address. Again this may be just so obvious that as you read this you are thinking, "are you serious, who would think that?"
But time and time again, we get this question, and its just good to think, not everyone speaks English. Now I should put in a quick plug in for those few hundred MILLIONS that fall into this category, its not to say that most everyone (granted if they can, or know some English) tries to help. They are very helpful, and so many know some of another language (they put us lazy Americans to shame), but just being honest, its not always the most accurate information. So like we'd say..take it with a grain of salt, might want to check it out some more before you bet all your marbles on it.
We'd recommend having someone that can help translate for you, or at least, have a "good" English speaker write down a few helpful phrases, or at least where you want to go and also where you need to get back to, like your hotel name and address. Again this may be just so obvious that as you read this you are thinking, "are you serious, who would think that?"
But time and time again, we get this question, and its just good to think, not everyone speaks English. Now I should put in a quick plug in for those few hundred MILLIONS that fall into this category, its not to say that most everyone (granted if they can, or know some English) tries to help. They are very helpful, and so many know some of another language (they put us lazy Americans to shame), but just being honest, its not always the most accurate information. So like we'd say..take it with a grain of salt, might want to check it out some more before you bet all your marbles on it.

There are many different variations of the same type of "Chinese Bathroom," all of which come with the same basic instruction manual....come in, look at the hole (not down it), squat over the hole, aim for the hole and then RUN. Aiming correctly can be costly for the participant and also the cleaner, aim wisely.
This by far is the biggest unknown fact about going to China that people find out when they start doing some research (hopefully you don't just find this little cute fact out when you arrive...SURPRISE, if you are reading this in China.)
This by far is the biggest unknown fact about going to China that people find out when they start doing some research (hopefully you don't just find this little cute fact out when you arrive...SURPRISE, if you are reading this in China.)
Get a Cell Phone

Upon arriving in China, one of the first things to do is get a cell phone. Know that basically every device can and probably will be listened to, but just the fact of having a cell phone will allow great comfort if you need help. We looked at it as a personal translator when you get in trouble. Meaning you could call up a student or a Chinese friend and ask them to translate what you need.
Having a cellphone not only provides a backup translation service, it's also important to have in case of an emergency. Cellphones are done with a prepaid service. It is very cheap and the best way to stay in touch with all of your vastly soon approaching Chinese friends or even other foreign teachers you need to get in contact with (all of the cell phones have many different decorations, especially for the girls) . Everyone has a cell phone, doesn’t matter how poor they look or how poor they say they are. But what gets me is that no one has an answering machine. I’ve heard a couple theories, the first is that they have the capabilities, but it costs more and no one wants to spend the extra RMB for that service. Also I heard that because China is moving so rapidly they just jumped from having no phones in their homes, to everyone getting cell phones, and mostly you can just reach them any time.
Having a cellphone not only provides a backup translation service, it's also important to have in case of an emergency. Cellphones are done with a prepaid service. It is very cheap and the best way to stay in touch with all of your vastly soon approaching Chinese friends or even other foreign teachers you need to get in contact with (all of the cell phones have many different decorations, especially for the girls) . Everyone has a cell phone, doesn’t matter how poor they look or how poor they say they are. But what gets me is that no one has an answering machine. I’ve heard a couple theories, the first is that they have the capabilities, but it costs more and no one wants to spend the extra RMB for that service. Also I heard that because China is moving so rapidly they just jumped from having no phones in their homes, to everyone getting cell phones, and mostly you can just reach them any time.
Carry Your Own TP

As you may find out shortly, not many bathrooms come equipped with their own toilet paper. Go figure, trying to provide toilet paper for 1.6 billion people could be a bit costly. So, make sure you always carry some tissues or you may find yourself asking a stranger if they can..."spare a square?"
Also make sure you have some sanitation wipes or some antibacterial stuff with you, that will be a great benefit too. There are always those moments where you just might want to make sure your hands haven't picked up any extra germs.
Bed Padding

We found out the hard way that Chinese beds are no where near as soft as beds from America. We plopped down on our new "beds" after our long travels and told each other that the first thing we needed to buy was padding. We were really hoping there was such a thing.
Well as you know China pretty much makes everything ( wait I think I have a shirt from when I was a freshman in high school that said it was made in the 'ol US of A, but can't think of anything else), so with that being said, we did breakdown and get some much needed padding for our beds (Brayden's bed on the right didn't get so lucky, sorry Brayden).
Well as you know China pretty much makes everything ( wait I think I have a shirt from when I was a freshman in high school that said it was made in the 'ol US of A, but can't think of anything else), so with that being said, we did breakdown and get some much needed padding for our beds (Brayden's bed on the right didn't get so lucky, sorry Brayden).
Learn to Barter and Know Chinese Numbers

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Like purchasing just about everything we got to barter for the padding on the bed. Sometimes it makes the purchasing process a bit lengthy, but its almost expected. They are real barters here and you will need to know that you should put up a fight for what you want or be prepared to walk away. Some people don't feel comfortable bartering, and that's ok too, good new is everything is so cheap, when you compare it to your own currency probably means your fighting over a mere 30 cents or something.
Either before you go, or when you get there, you will want to try and learn the Chinese number gestures. This can help a lot when asking what the prices is, and often not understanding them, they will show you the hand gesture, it really helps.
Either before you go, or when you get there, you will want to try and learn the Chinese number gestures. This can help a lot when asking what the prices is, and often not understanding them, they will show you the hand gesture, it really helps.
Carry Your Own Menu

Basically when it comes down to it, anyone there can make almost anything. As you travel around or start your teaching year, we'd encourage you to start a list of food items that you like and don't push you to your limits (aka, having a chicken head stare you in the eyes from your very own plate). We kept one that had the Chinese characters (no we didn't write it, our students would write them down for us) and how to saying written in something called pinyin.
Then as you will soon find out, comes in very useful to have something on hand for those just encase moments, and those moments will come. Also just as a quick note, even though your item on your list seem very basic and straight forward, trying the same dish at different locations, can be just as fun. Because no one uses a recipe, and so everywhere you go, its a different experience even though you asked for the same thing.
Here was our little backup menu, many of these are found on our food page:
1.酱爆明笋 jiang bao ming sun (Bamboo shoots with pepper)
2.花菜炒肉 hua cai cao rou (Pork with cauliflower)
3.蒜苗炒肉 suan miao chao rou (Pork with garlic shoots)
4.紫苏煎黄瓜 zi su jian huang gua (Cucumber slices)
5.水煮活鱼 shui zhu huo yu (Fish boiled in water)
6.香酥肉 xiang su rou (fried fragrant Pork)
7.椰竽软糕 ye yu ruan gao (type of French bread)
8.什锦水果粥 shi jing shui guo zhou (Porage with fruit)
9.土豆炒肉 tud dou chao rou (Potato with pork)
10. 西红柿炒牛肉 xi hong shi chao niu rou (Tomato with beef)
11. 手撕包菜 shou si bao cai (Type of cabbage)
12. 茄子豆角 qie zi dou jiao (Eggplant with green beans)
13. 蚂蚁上树 ma yi shang shu (potato noodles)
14. 板栗烧肉 ban li shao rou (Chestnut with pork)
15. 糖醋里脊 tang cu li ji (Sweet and sour pork)
16. 白萝卜炒肉 bai luo bo chao rou (White carrot with pork)
17. 葱煎蛋 cong jian dan (Fried egg with spring onion)
18. 大片牛肉 da pian niu rou (Beef with potato noodles)
19. 土 豆 tu dou (Potatoes)
20. 秘制牛肉 mi zhi niu rou (Spicy Beef)
21. 拔丝香蕉 ba si xiang jiao (Fried banana with hot glaze)
22. 西红柿炒蛋 xi hong shi chao dan (Tomato and egg)
23. 窝窝头 wo wo tou (Wheat steamed bun with dip)
24. 脆皮香蕉 cui pi xiang jiao (Fried banana)
25. 洋葱炒牛肉 yang cong chao niu rou (Onion and beef)
26. 香菜羊肉 xiang cai yang rou (Fried cured pork with radish skins)
27. 萝卜皮炒腊肉 luo bo pi chao la rou (Lamb with cilantro seasonings)
How Tolerant are you to SMOKING?

If you're reading this and you're a smoker you're probably laughing...well let's just say it's probably a smoker's paradise here...Here's why. You can smoke anywhere and at anytime . I mean of course you can't smoke in the obvious places, on a airplane or at a gas station, but just about everywhere else. So we're not for smoking, but China LOVES to smoke. We got offered cigeretts all the time.
So for non smokers, you have a couple of options, either get use to it or be ready to tell many people to put it out around you. Also very popular besides smoking is chewing this stuff called beattlenut, a type of chew (believe it's native to Hunan and is everywhere in this area). Smells nasty, and the men (very few women smoke or chew) spit it out everywhere. You’ll see it all over the place, from the streets, to shop floors to restaurant cushions.
Here are some other interesting things we found:
- Mosquitoes (everywhere, you need to bring bug spray, I just gave up most of the time. We have them waiting for us outside our door. And they often sneak in our home (slap, I thought there was something on my calf), sorry, and they love to feast on calves and ankles.
- Playboy is a brand here, and its also a brand all over the world (I know that's what your thinking), but it really doesn't have the same negative connotation as it does in the states. It's more a just a regular clothing line, not so much for the sexual message. It seems like everyone just wears their cloths or brand items regardless of the meaning that it would represent in the states.
- Email (always monitored, by key words) ...this is what we were told, take it for what its worth I guess.
- Tailor made cloths and mending your clothes are really easy to get done and VERY inexpensive. We don't really sew, so it was great.
- Honking (It's nonstop, always doing this to warn people, even if someone is not even close)
Before You Go

- U.S. citizens traveling to China may apply for up to a one-year multiple-entry visa.
- You need a visa and a passport with at least six months remaining validity to enter China.
- Chinese law requires that you carry a passport or residence permit at all times; Chinese authorities will not accept a photocopy. Additionally, Chinese authorities are entitled to carry out random checks for these documents.
- Buy a power adapter, getting one before you go can be huge help adjusting to everything once you get there. We found having a few was even a greater benefit, but you can pick them up once you get there too.