Taxi..Ride in or on Back

Seat belts, child car seats, traffic rules...what's all that? When it comes to taking a taxi, say a little prayer or choose wisely. Every driver is a bit different, willing to take YOU on different risks that the other drivers will or will not do, and always guaranteed to get to your destination at reckless speeds. But honestly what can you expect...they just need to get you there, get you out. If you can imagine the type of vehicle to do the transporting, then they probably have it.
Most often you'll see taxi cars and motorbikes. Once you've been in the taxi car, you would never even think of taking a taxi motorbike. Again when compared to your home countries currency, chances are good, these rides will be very cheap. These really are the best way (unless you'll live here long enough to purchase a car/motorcycle...PS, good luck if you do) to get around from one random area to the other without having to route your trip with the buses and walk to make up the difference in bus route. Of course they will be more expensive than a bus, but they really are the most common with the students and are the fast way to get anywhere.
When it comes to taxis, you will see ones where they are apart of a company, and have their company logos and ads on them. And then you will other "private taxi" type cars, that look like a personal car, but they are waiting around for people to ask them for a ride. Again, student recommendation disclaimer, we have never taken one of these private taxi cars and if you must take one of these be careful they have been know to rip people off or we should say could be more likely to rip you off. Taking the company looking taxis will result in a better price per trip, and like taxis in America, you can see the price as the trip distance increases.
Most often you'll see taxi cars and motorbikes. Once you've been in the taxi car, you would never even think of taking a taxi motorbike. Again when compared to your home countries currency, chances are good, these rides will be very cheap. These really are the best way (unless you'll live here long enough to purchase a car/motorcycle...PS, good luck if you do) to get around from one random area to the other without having to route your trip with the buses and walk to make up the difference in bus route. Of course they will be more expensive than a bus, but they really are the most common with the students and are the fast way to get anywhere.
When it comes to taxis, you will see ones where they are apart of a company, and have their company logos and ads on them. And then you will other "private taxi" type cars, that look like a personal car, but they are waiting around for people to ask them for a ride. Again, student recommendation disclaimer, we have never taken one of these private taxi cars and if you must take one of these be careful they have been know to rip people off or we should say could be more likely to rip you off. Taking the company looking taxis will result in a better price per trip, and like taxis in America, you can see the price as the trip distance increases.